1st May 2024

Breaking Boundaries of Virtual Intimacy: Exploring the Kiiroo Keon – Honest Review

By Mayhew

With advancements in technology and the rise of virtual communication, our understanding of intimacy is constantly evolving. The Kiiroo Keon offers a unique experience that breaks boundaries of physical limitations in intimate relationships. In this honest review, we will explore the features and capabilities of this interactive device, as well as its impact on our perception of virtual intimacy.

Cheapest Masturbator

Lovense Max 2

✔️ Dual stimulation: Vibrating & Contracting
✔️ Fits any size
✔️ VibeMate & VR Adult Content Compatible
✔️ Long distance sync feature

Kiiroo Keon

✔️ Bluetooth Connectivity
✔️ Up to 230 strokes per minute
✔️ FeelMe Compatible & Dedicated App
✔️ Interactive with VR content & headsets

Lovense Calor

✔️ Vibration & Squeezing stimulation
✔️ Optional heating feature
✔️ Travel-sized & Lightweight
✔️ VibeMate App & Bluetooth Compatible

Kiiroo Titan

✔️ 9 motors within the Titan's walls
✔️ Control with touch-sensitive pads
✔️ FeelMe AI & Bluetooth Compatible
✔️ Removable Real-Feel sleeves

Kiiroo Feel Butt Stroker

✔️ Compatible with Keon & PowerBlow
✔️ Extra tight tunnel
✔️ Body-safe, realistic skin-like material
✔️ Internal ribs, nubs & bumps

The Handy

✔️ Removable Sleeves For Easy Cleaning
✔️ Standard & VR Content Compatible
✔️ Mains powered: no batteries required
✔️ Anonymous connectivity: No account needed

About Kiiroo Keon

The Kiiroo Keon is an interactive male masturbator that uses advanced technology to create a realistic and immersive experience for users. It was released in 2020 by Kiiroo, a leading brand in the field of teledildonics – technology that enables remote sexual interactions through devices connected via the internet.

The Keon is designed to be versatile and compatible with various adult content platforms including VR porn sites, webcam shows, video chat apps, and even online gaming. Its sleek design and discreet appearance make it easy to use without drawing unwanted attention.

How Does It Work?

The Kiiroo Keon works by syncing with other devices via Bluetooth or WiFi connection. The user can control their own device while allowing their partner’s device to mimic their movements in real-time. This creates an interactive experience where both parties can feel as though they are physically together despite being miles apart.

The Keon can also be used independently without a partner. It comes equipped with multiple modes such as stroke, vibration, and pattern options to provide a variety of sensations for solo pleasure.


Touch-sensitive Technology

The Kiiroo Keon is equipped with touch-sensitive technology that allows it to respond to movements and pressure. This means that the device can adjust its speed and intensity based on the user’s movements, creating a more realistic experience.

Moreover, this feature also enables users to control their partner’s device remotely through touch commands. Increasing pressure or speed on their own device will be replicated on their partner’s device in real-time.

Realistic Sensations

The Keon is designed with 9 rings inside the sleeve that move up and down along the shaft to mimic the sensation of penetration. This creates a realistic stimulation similar to penetrative sex that can enhance the overall experience for both partners.

The device has six different thrusting speeds ranging from gentle teasing to intense pounding. Users can choose their desired speed depending on their mood and preferences, making it versatile for different experiences.

Customizable Settings

One of the best features of the Kiiroo Keon is its customizable settings. Users can personalize their experience by adjusting things like speed, intensity, and patterns according to their liking. Moreover, they can save these settings for future use or share them with their partner for consistency in virtual intimacy sessions.

This feature also extends to compatibility with various adult content platforms, allowing users to adjust settings according to the type of content they are watching or interacting with.


  • Mimics the sensation of penetration
  • Touch-sensitive technology enhances realism
  • Customizable settings for personalized experience

Mainstream Acceptance and Impact on Relationships

Since its release in 2020, the Kiiroo Keon has gained widespread attention and acceptance in mainstream media. It has been featured in various publications and even used by popular adult performers during virtual shows.

Its impact on relationships is also significant as it allows couples to bridge the physical distance and maintain intimacy despite being apart. This is especially beneficial for long-distance relationships or individuals in different time zones.

Moreover, the device can also bring a new level of excitement and experimentation for couples who may have been together for a long time. It can add spice to their sex life by exploring new sensations and experiences through virtual intimacy.


  • Bridges physical distance in relationships
  • Brings excitement and experimentation to sex life
  • Gaining mainstream acceptance

Comparison With Similar Products

The market for interactive adult toys has grown significantly over the years, and there are now several products similar to the Kiiroo Keon. Some of the most notable ones are Max 2 by Lovense and Calor by Kiiroo’s sister brand, Lovense. Let’s take a look at how these devices compare to the Keon.

Max 2 By Lovense

Like the Keon, Max 2 is an interactive male masturbator that uses touch-sensitive technology to mimic penetrative sex. It also comes with customizable settings and a variety of modes for solo or partner play.

However, one key difference between Max 2 and Keon is its size. Max 2 is slightly smaller than Keon, making it more travel-friendly but less realistic in terms of size compared to an average penis.

Lovense Calor

Calor is another interactive male masturbator from Lovense designed for virtual intimacy. Its main feature is its heating function that creates a more realistic and pleasurable experience. Similar to the Keon, it can also be controlled remotely and has customizable settings for a personalized experience.

However, Calor is not as versatile as the Keon in terms of compatibility with different adult content platforms and lacks touch-sensitive technology, making it less interactive.


  • Calor lacks touch-sensitive technology
  • Max 2’s smaller size may be less realistic

The Verdict: Is Kiiroo Keon Worth It?

After exploring its features, benefits, and drawbacks, it’s safe to say that the Kiiroo Keon is worth the investment for those looking to enhance their virtual intimacy experiences. Its touch-sensitive technology, realistic sensations, and customizable settings make it stand out among similar products in the market.

Moreover, its impact on relationships and mainstream acceptance further adds value to this innovative device. However, each individual’s preferences and needs may vary, so it’s always best to research and compare before making a purchase.

The Kiiroo Keon breaks boundaries of virtual intimacy by creating an immersive experience that brings couples closer despite being physically apart. With technology advancing at a rapid pace, we can only imagine what the future holds for intimate interactions through devices like the Keon.

Cheapest Masturbator

Lovense Max 2

✔️ Dual stimulation: Vibrating & Contracting
✔️ Fits any size
✔️ VibeMate & VR Adult Content Compatible
✔️ Long distance sync feature

Lovense Calor

✔️ Vibration & Squeezing stimulation
✔️ Optional heating feature
✔️ Travel-sized & Lightweight
✔️ VibeMate App & Bluetooth Compatible

Kiiroo Keon

✔️ Bluetooth Connectivity
✔️ Up to 230 strokes per minute
✔️ FeelMe Compatible & Dedicated App
✔️ Interactive with VR content & headsets

What are the main features of the Kiiroo Keon?

The Kiiroo Keon is a state-of-the-art male masturbator that offers interactive, hands-free pleasure. Its main features include touch-sensitive sensors for realistic movement and sensations, compatibility with VR content and interactive videos, adjustable stroke speed and length, and Bluetooth connectivity for remote control by a partner or through the Kiiroo app. It also has a discreet design, rechargeable battery, and easy-to-clean sleeve. The Kiiroo Keon provides an immersive and customizable experience for solo or partnered play.

How does the Kiiroo Keon interact with other devices or platforms?

The Kiiroo Keon is compatible with other devices and platforms through Bluetooth technology. This allows for seamless connectivity between the device and various apps, videos, or partners. Users can also sync their Keon with VR headsets for a more immersive experience. The device has an open API which allows developers to create new ways of interacting with the Keon. The Kiiroo Keon offers versatile connectivity options to enhance user experience.

Can you customize the intensity and patterns of the Kiiroo Keon’s vibrations?

Yes, the Kiiroo Keon comes with an app that allows you to fully customize and control the intensity and patterns of its vibrations. You can choose from a variety of preset vibration modes or create your own unique pattern. This level of customization adds to the overall user experience and makes it more versatile for different preferences.

Is the Kiiroo Keon easy to clean and maintain?

Yes, the Kiiroo Keon is very easy to clean and maintain. The silicone sleeve can be easily removed for cleaning, and the rest of the device can be wiped down with a damp cloth. It also comes with a storage bag for convenience. The Keon has a self-lubricating system that reduces the need for frequent lubrication, making maintenance even easier.